
“They were unable to enter because of unbelief.” – Hebrews 3:19 How many Promised Lands do we miss because we refuse to believe we can enter? It is not that there is a lack of opportunity; far from it! All the things we could ever need are available to us all the time, rich and […]
Is it Really Love?

“Love does no wrong to a neighbor. Love, therefore, is the fulfillment of the law.” (Romans 13:10) Love is a word our culture loves to throw around without definition. We use it in a way that seems to say the essence of love is “always be nice to me and never tell me anything that […]
Every New Day

Every new day is a new page, blank on one side and covered on the other with all that has come before. You cannot change what has already been written, but you CAN choose what you will write today. You CAN choose to be informed but not controlled by yesterday’s words. You CAN choose to […]
The Surprising Link Between Growing Your Business and Weighing Yourself

Have you ever had that moment where you stand on a scale to weigh yourself, see the numbers fluctuating, and try to *will* them to go a little lower? I did that the other day, and I got the same result you probably did… nothing. Here’s thing: you will never be able to *will* the […]
What a Snake Reminded Me About Fear

On a bike ride with my family the other day, a black snake darted right across our path. Thankfully, we simply rolled on by and it slithered off into the bushes, but the encounter got me thinking of a familiar phrase: “It’s more afraid of you than you are of it.” The reason that phrase […]
Your Past Does Not Define Your Future
There is so much sin, failure, and wrong in the lineage of Jesus recorded in Matthew 1 that you might think these people would be disqualified from being the forbearers of the Messiah. But God is ALWAYS using imperfect people to work out his perfect plans. When you see the wrong in your own past […]
I Never Knew What My Old Watch Was Costing Me

It’s easy to assume the current way you’re working, living, and operating is just “the way things are.” Until you discover a better way. It’s easy to expect to be tired and frustrated and keep spinning your wheels because “that’s the way life is sometimes.” Until you see someone do it differently. For Christmas I […]
What “Frozen 2” Taught Me About Building a Successful Life and Business

My daughter is 3 and she LOVES all things “Frozen” so naturally, I’ve seen “Frozen 2” about 4,832 times. But something hit me the other day that is SUCH a powerful growth lesson that I had to share it. In the opening section of the movie, Queen Elsa hears a mysterious voice and responds like […]
A Legacy of Faith

I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure, dwells in you as well. For this reason, I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For […]
Nightmares [An Encouraging Word]

It was 4am when my son’s little hand rapped loudly on our bedroom door. The “shave-and-a-haircut, two bits” pattern I taught him echoed through the caverns of my subconscious mind, dragging me up from a deep, clear sleep into the groggy fog of a much-too-early morning. “Come in” I moaned, loud enough for him to hear through […]