What Kind of Children Are We Giving Our World?

I see plenty of people asking “What kind of world are we giving our children?” I don’t see quite as many asking “What kind of children are we giving our world?” Here are three qualities I’m doing my best to instill in my kids both for their own benefit and for the good of the […]
Thoughts on working through a miscarriage

It was a Tuesday night around 9pm. The doctor strode in to our room at the ER and announced to my wife and me, “I’m sorry, you’ve had a miscarriage.” Heather had already known; she had felt it in her body and her heart. I was holding on to hope, not wanting to believe, but […]
Jesus Loves You When You’re Weak

God’s Hope for Your Heart from Matthew 18 JESUS LOVES YOU WHEN YOU’RE WEAK At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” And calling to Him a child, He put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you […]
Don’t Let Go of Wonder

The sky was ablaze with a spray of orange and gold, like heaven itself was breaking through to earth. The air was thick and still, filled with the wet-blanket silence of a humid Florida evening; that special kind of silence that settles when a rainstorm is just gearing up to go all out. And there […]
The Silver Thread

When I was a boy, I once let go of a helium balloon, just to see what would happen. There it went, floating up, up, slowly and silently, gently making its way skyward until it disappeared in the cobalt blue of an open Texas sky. It was beautiful. I could not explain what happened, because […]
A Pink Coat’s Worth

How much is a pink coat worth? $7.99 on eBay? $94.99, also on eBay? My friend Ruth brought in this pink winter coat as a part of our last-minute coat drive for children in Moldova. We have only until Wednesday afternoon (November 10th) to collect coats, hats, pairs of boots and donations to send to […]
Cups and Coats

This winter, orphaned children in Moldova will freeze solid in the night, never to wake up again. I found this out in a phone call from a friend, who sent me an e-mail, which directed me to this website, where I learned that I can actually DO SOMETHING about it. Can my little acts ensure […]
Try It

I have the cutest picture of my 10-month-old second cousin Garrett trying to eat a cardboard coaster. The thing I love about it is that he doesn’t worry about whether or not the coaster actually CAN be eaten, much less whether or not it SHOULD be. He just goes ahead and gives it a shot. […]