When Does Marriage Really End?

QUESTION: “When does marriage end? Does it end at the “legal” end when a divorce becomes final? Or, does it end in biblical terms at the moment when a spouse commits adultery? “
The Bible speaks of marriage not as a contract, but as a covenant. There are several differences between the two, but the one that applies most in this case to this question is simply this…
Why God Killed His Son (pt4)

How could God plan to sacrifice His Son? How is that a loving, good, and right thing to do to a son whom you love? [NOTE: This is part four of a four-part series of posts based on a question brought to me by a friend. If you haven’t yet, check out Part 1 , Part 2, and Part 3. I […]
Why God Killed His Son (pt3)

How could God plan to sacrifice His Son? How is that a loving, good, and right thing to do to a son whom you love? [NOTE: This is part three of a four-part series of posts based on a question brought to me by a friend. If you haven’t yet, check out Part 1 and Part 2. I […]
Why God Killed His Son (pt1)

How could God plan to sacrifice His Son? How is that a loving, good, and right thing to do to a son whom you love? [NOTE: This is part one of a four-part series of posts based on a question brought to me by a friend. I hope it’s helpful to you. -Phillip] GOD IS LOVE. (1 John […]
Salt and Secrecy (part 3)

Principles do no good if there’s no practical way to apply them. Have you discovered this? High-minded ideals may be nice to think about, but to really make a difference in our lives, they need to have some skin on and work in the real world. The last two posts have been part of a […]
Salt and Secrecy (part 2)

Should I do good deeds in public or in private? In response to a question about my message last week, called “The Surface and the Substance” (), I shared some thoughts yesterday about the importance of following Jesus’ command in Matthew 5:16, “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good […]
Salt and Secrecy (part 1)

Don’t you just love it when the Bible contradicts itself? Now before you get upset (if you believe the Bible) or cheer (if you don’t), hear me out. A friend called me the other day with a question: “In your message yesterday you said we are supposed to do our good works so people can […]

Which is better, old or new? “Neither is new wine put into old wineskins. If it is, the skins burst and the wine is spilled and the skins are destroyed. But new wine is put into fresh wineskins, and so both are preserved.” -Matthew 9:17 How easy it is in our “newer-is-better” consumer culture to […]

If you think you have it all together, it’s doubtful Jesus has much for you…
Hidden Treasure, part 2
Why bother with the genealogies in the Bible? For most of us (myself included), it’s hard to really “get something” out of the long lists of names scattered throughout the Bible. However, with a little digging, you can find some pretty interesting things. For instance… Matthew 1:1-11 records the genealogy of Jesus Christ. I was […]