Fruitful work

“Now if I live on in the flesh, this means fruitful work for me…” Philippians 1:22-2a “Fruitful work” is not busywork. It is not killing time, punching a clock, or rushing around keeping occupied without moving things forward. Fruitful work adds value. It solves problems. It delivers results and produces joy both for and in […]

My word for this year is UNDAUNTED. To me this represents being steadfast in the face of adversity, pressing forward even when it’s hard, and staying focused on the summit even when all I can see is the slope. To be undaunted is to accept the reality of challenges without losing our resolve. It’s the […]
Criticism Can’t Hurt You Unless You Believe It
“Like a flitting sparrow or a fluttering swallow, an undeserved curse goes nowhere.” (Proverbs 26:2) That’s a great sentiment, but WHY does an undeserved “curse” have no effect on a person? Because they KNOW it is undeserved. If you criticize me about something but I’m sure you’re wrong, I brush it off right away and […]