When the world tells you what you lack…

We live in a world that tells us to compare. Compare ourselves with our friends. Compare ourselves with what we see on TV and in the movies. Compare ourselves with “statistics” to find out whether we’re “normal” or not. But that’s not the path to freedom, and that’s not the way of Jesus. “Not that […]
Graphic Repentance

Repentance is not the same thing as beating yourself up. When you hear the word “repentance” or “repent”, what comes to mind? How does it make you feel? Sometimes in church world, that word gets used to describe feeling so bad about doing wrong that you try really hard to do right instead. The Bible […]
GRAPHIC – How Can I Study the Bible?

Do you ever find yourself reading the Bible, but not really “getting much out of it?” There are certainly lots of different ways to approach it, but these are some things I’ve found helpful to consider when I study. Enjoy! – Pastor Phillip
GRAPHIC – A Good Sermon

Ever wonder how a preacher prepares a sermon? Obviously, different people do it in different ways, but here are some things I try to keep in mind. – Pastor Phillip
ART: Colors and Shapes

PHOTOS: Ecuador 2012 (5)

All good things must come to an end, including building projects.
PHOTOS: Ecuador 2012 (4)

Few things say “we’re on a jungle mission trip” more than monkeys and macaws.
PHOTOS: Ecuador 2012 (3)

Apparently, mission trips are hard work.
PHOTOS: Ecuador 2012 (2)

If a picture’s worth a thousand words, here are some (nice) choice words about the team from Ecuador 2012.
This post continues a series of my favorite photographs from our mission trip to Misahualli, Ecuador in May of 2012. Specifically, here are several shots of the people who went on the trip…
PHOTOS: Ecuador 2012 (1)

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but that didn’t help much in English class.
Now, however, there is no word count requirement or final grade on the line, so I’ll be posting several of my favorite shots from our church mission trip to Ecuador.