3 Habits to Build a Better Team [B4B]

If you want to level-up your team’s engagement, performance, and loyalty, Proverbs 1:3 shares three keys to help you do it. “For receiving prudent instruction in righteousness, justice, and integrity.” (Proverbs 1:3) “Righteousness” is doing what is RIGHT. It is treating your customers with kindness and respect simply because they are human. Doing business with […]

9 Shortcuts to Winning Trust

Picture of two hands shaking with a text that says 9 shortcuts to winning trust and an arrow

Years ago I heard a talk that completely changed my thinking about how to communicate and connect with others, and it transformed my ability to win trust so I can serve people better. The talk was from a man named Gordon MacDonald, and his big idea was this: In every decade of our life, one key […]

This is why ChatGPT took off.

AI tools have been steadily gaining traction for a while now, but why has ChatGPT exploded so rapidly? Because it feels more “human.” Nobody hears “Please listen closely as our menu options have changed” when they call a company and thinks, “Oh boy! Another automated phone system!” Why? Because it feels definitively NOT “human.” The […]

How to Keep Growing Your Business Without Losing Your Spouse and Kids (pt. 1)

If you’re 100% sure your growing business or career is NOT causing ANY issues in your relationships, feel free to skip this post. BUT, if your progress at work is causing tension at home, if your company focus is causing stress with your family, and if you can feel the fabric of your relationships fraying […]

Why Speaking “Birdie” Doesn’t Work

My 5-year old daughter loves to find birds in our neighborhood and try to call them to come to her. “Tweet tweet” she says. “Tweet tweeeeet!” They never come. Some people get so frustrated when their spiffy new marketing plan doesn’t work, and have no idea why they aren’t getting a better response. It’s because […]

The Surprising Link Between Growing Your Business and Weighing Yourself

Have you ever had that moment where you stand on a scale to weigh yourself, see the numbers fluctuating, and try to *will* them to go a little lower? I did that the other day, and I got the same result you probably did… nothing. Here’s thing: you will never be able to *will* the […]

What I Learned About Business From Getting Lost at DFW Airport

I got lost at DFW International Airport when I was 6 years old. My father and I were there to pick up a family member, and I decided to stop at a water fountain…without telling my dad. When I looked up, he was gone. After the initial panic, I remembered what my parents taught me […]

Two Surprising Insights from Jeff Bezos & Captain Kirk (pt. 2)

A couple of weeks ago, billionaire Jeff Bezos had a really, really important conversation with a 90-year old man that could have gone really, really wrong. While the world watched, iconic “Star Trek” actor William Shatner stepped out of the Blue Origin “New Shepherd” capsule that had just taken him safely to space and back, […]

Two Surprising Insights From Jeff Bezos & Captain Kirk (pt. 1)

Did you hear Captain Kirk finally made it to space for real? Last week, 90-year-old William Shatner not only became the oldest person ever to travel to outer space, but did so as the guest of Amazon and Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos. As I watched the live video feed of the four space travelers […]

3 Unbreakable Laws of Organic Marketing

Plenty of people talk about the power of organic marketing and how simple it can be when done correctly. But if you do it wrong… You might actually cause your business more harm than good. Here are three unbreakable laws of organic marketing to help you make sure your reaching OUT helps you level-UP as […]

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