Your worship can bless the world

God’s Hope for Your Heart from John 12 YOUR WORSHIP CAN BLESS THE WORLD Mary took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. (John 12:3) It was a small act, a little […]
You can be Jesus to people in need

God’s Hope for Your Heart from Luke 14 YOU CAN BE JESUS TO PEOPLE IN NEED “But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.” When one of those who […]
When you do what you can, Jesus is blessed

God’s Hope for Your Heart from Mark 14 WHEN YOU DO WHAT YOU CAN, JESUS IS BLESSED “She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial. And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of […]
Affections Unrestricted
What sorts of “affections” does Jesus call us to? “You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted in your own affections. In return (I speak as to children) widen your hearts also.” -2 Corinthians 6:12-13 The spirit of religion is all about restriction. “Don’t do this.” “Avoid them.” “Stay away from that.” In […]
Your reward is on the way

God’s Hope for Your Heart from Galatians 6 YOUR REWARD IS ON THE WAY And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the […]
All Who Are Oppressed

Was it only Jesus who was sent to “set the captives free”? I had a conversation once with a man who argued that it is the Church’s responsibility to help only those who are believers. He pointed out what the Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 6:10, “as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, […]
Homeless in Fort Lauderdale

Sometimes what we need most is not easy answers, but deeper questions. The other day, I watched homeless people being served by Christians. From my perch high atop a parking garage in Fort Lauderdale, FL, I could see the crowd gather, hear the coordinator pray as she started the feeding time and watch as all […]
Giving Ourselves
To sing about “giving ourselves” to God is almost silly.
Identity and Humility
Jesus has no insecurities at all. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Ecuador 2012 – Day 6

If there’s one thing that construction workers hate worse than a hot sun, it’s rain. As morning dawned in Misahualli on Day 6 of our mission trip to Ecuador, the skies were filled with charcoal clouds and sporadic drips of rain. By breakfast, the inconsistent drizzle had blossomed into a full-blown thunder storm, complete with […]