“This I Believe (The Creed)” – Hillsong Worship [Music Monday]
This song is a treasure-trove of truth. Throughout the ages, the people of God have collected the foundational truths of Scripture into creeds. These are consolidated statements of belief that are meant to focus our hearts on the core of our faith. A couple of Sundays ago I attended a church on the East Coast and they […]
God will deliver you for the sake of His name
Scripture Notes on Psalm 135 Your name, O Lord, endures forever, your renown, O Lord, throughout the ages. For the Lord will vindicate His people and have compassion on His servants. (Psalm 135:13-14) The people of Israel were constantly getting into trouble. Time and again they failed to follow God’s commands and fell under oppression as […]
Your world will be in order when God is on the throne
Scripture Notes on Psalm 132 Arise, O Lord, and go to your resting place, you and the ark of your might. Let your priests be clothed with righteousness, and let your saints shout for joy. (Psalm 132:8-9) So often it’s easy for our lives to get chaotic. Work or school, family or finances, personal goals […]
Set list for Adore (10/19/12)
There is NOTHING like praising Jesus as ONE Church. What a great time we had last Friday at Adore! Coming together as ONE Church in our city is always a blessing, and more importantly, blesses the heart of God. Several people asked me about the set list, so I thought it would be fun to […]
Effective Worship
Some “e-mail updates” I just delete. Then others, I take time to read because I know there’s something special inside. “Notes from Terry” is one of the ones I read, because in his role as “Team Strategist” for Music and Worship Ministries office of the Florida Baptist Convention, Terry Williams always has some great stuff […]
The Structure and the Source
Sometimes Jesus can be such a downer.
In Mark 13:1-2, the disciples comment on the glory and beauty of the temple, and rather than join them in admiring the structure and stones, He replies, “Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.”
Indeed, the word of Jesus was fulfilled in 70 A.D. when the temple was destroyed by the Roman empire, whose soldiers actually did tear apart one stone from the other in order to extract for Rome’s treasuries as much as possible of the building’s ornamental gold.
Love/Worship Songs
Think with me for a moment… Love songs tell of the glory of the loved and the response of the lover. They highlight the value of the person being loved and the commitment and actions of the one who’s offering their love in return. In a way, then, “worship songs” are like love songs to […]
Hunger and Fire
A.W. Tozer from his book THE PURSUIT OF GOD Within the fold of conservative Christianity there are increasing numbers of persons whose religious lives are marked by a growing hunger after God Himself. Yet I wonder if there was ever a time when true spiritual worship was at lower ebb. But this hunger must be […]
Sacred Space
I’m reading the story of Joseph this week and it strikes me how his life was a continuous cycle of ups and downs, ups and downs, ups and downs. One minute he’s the favored son, the next an exiled slave in a faraway land. He’s up with Potiphar, then down in jail, favored in prison, […]
Planning Center notes 2
NOTE: This post is from an e-mail I sent out to our Praise Team, to help them get used to additional features of Planning Center Online. For those of you interested, here is a little “quick-start guide” to the features of Planning Center Online that our team is using more frequently, so that you can find […]