God’s blessing is already yours
God’s Hope for Your Heart from Luke 15 GOD’S BLESSING IS ALREADY YOURS But he was angry and refused to go in. His father came out and entreated him, but he answered his father, “Look, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command, yet you never gave me a young […]
Jesus sees your sacrifice
God’s Hope for Your Heart from Mark 12 JESUS SEES YOUR SACRIFICE And he sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called […]
Jesus shares His glory with the faithful
Scripture Notes on 1 Peter 4 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when His glory is revealed. (1 Peter 4:12-13) Trials […]
God’s blessing goes beyond your suffering
Scripture Notes on 1 Peter 3 But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled… (1 Peter 3:14) The reality of suffering is one that many people don’t like to deal with. Even many Christians, uncomfortable trying to reconcile God’s love with His allowance […]
God is your portion both now and forever
Scripture Notes on Psalm 142 I cry to you, O Lord; I say, “You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.” (Psalm 142:5) The hope of a Christian is not just a better place after death, but a blessed presence in this life. We look with joy not just to the “sweet […]
God lifts up the humble heart
Scripture Notes on James 4 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you. (James 4:10) So much in the Kingdom is counterintuitive. To live, we must die. To be free, we must become slaves of Christ. To be exalted, we must humble ourselves. This seems like exactly the opposite of what we should do, […]
In 2 Chronicles 24, Jehoida the priest serves God faithfully, lives 130 years, and is buried with the great honor in the royal cemetery, “among the kings.” Joash the king, by contrast, starts strong but finishes poorly, abandoning his once-faithful worship of Yahweh to worship pagan gods instead. The result? He is assassinated by his […]