Catch the Sunrise

“[God] has put eternity into the hearts of men.” – Ecc. 3:11

Stepping out of my door at 6:35am to run is usually more endurance training that art appreciation, but this morning was different. Like pulling the dust cover off of a forgotten painting and realizing that it’s a priceless Monet, the morning sky on this day was different. It was as if, on this morning, God had taken out His “good” brushes and paints and pulled out all the stops, spreading the sky with layer upon layer of rich cobalts and vivid hues of peach. Each cloud was textured and well-formed, so clearly defined, like thick strokes of fresh oil paint on burlap canvas.

Why I am not a blogger

I’m eating a late breakfast by myself at the Edgehill Studios Cafe in Nashville, TN.  It’s not quite 10:00 in the morning, and I’m sitting at the large wooden island in the middle of the place, a sort of “plug-in station” full of power outlets and network jacks, presumably for those like me who love […]


So I had the chance to go visit family last week in Austin, TX.  It was great seeing them again, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles my cousins, and one day I was asked to drop two of my cousins off at church (for AWANA!).  So we hopped in the car and made our way […]

Being and Doing

We read in Scripture of “the works of the Lord”, of His hand doing this and His breath doing that, how He spoke and created the world by the Word, but though this is beautiful to contemplate and easy to understand and relate to forms we see in our experience, does He really produce sound […]

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