Grace Sets You Free From Performance
Do you ever feel like you have to “perform” in the Christian life? I’ve noticed lately that when I write my personal Scripture reflections, they are often more cautionary than encouraging. (“Be careful about this; don’t do that; watch out over here!”) Why not more hopeful? Why do I reflexively try to put in so […]
Be Strengthened
A prayer for you today… May you be given power today, power from the Creator who spoke the stars into being. Let Him speak into your life. May you be given strength today, strength from the God who holds the universe together. Let Him hold up your heart. May you have endurance and patience with […]
Preemptive Praise
If a person or plan fails miserably, congratulations are rather unwarranted. Why is it, though, that God often treats us just the opposite?
Scripture Notes: Exodus 14 (pt.1)
In times of trouble, take heart. It may be that the reason you are faced with great opposition is that God is gearing up for a great deliverance on the other side! In the midst of this, be careful to not assume that God’s primary goal is your happiness. His primary goal is His glory, and […]
Amazed or amused?
Words are my favorite toys. I love to play with them, to alter and rearrange them; to find creative ways to use them to produce or discover something interesting. Sometimes it doesn’t take that much. Consider the change two little letters (or just one if you’re a bad speller) makes to a word. Change an […]