God’s Hope for Your Heart from 2 Corinthians 5
For our sake [God] made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21)
Only the righteous are accepted by God. Over and over in Scripture we see this, that righteousness brings love and life from God and sin brings wrath and death.
That’s why it’s such bad news that all people are born sinful, and such good news to hear what God has done “for our sake.”
If you’re in Christ, Jesus took all of your sins on Himself at the cross. Because He had no sin of His own, He was perfectly qualified to take yours. Think of it. Every bad deed, cruel word or wrong motive: gone, done away with, totally atoned for.
But there’s more.
Jesus didn’t just take something bad from you; He gave something good to you in its place. He didn’t just make a sin withdrawal from your eternal account; He made a deposit of righteousness on your behalf!
This means that when God looks at your ledger, instead of seeing your sin, He sees Jesus’ righteousness! He doesn’t see your past; He sees Jesus’ perfection! When God the Father looks at you, He sees His Son, Jesus, in all of His glory, covering your life and giving His glory to you.
Friend, the righteous are always accepted and loved by God, so if you’re in Christ, you can rejoice in this hope-inspiring truth: Jesus is your righteousness.
-Pastor Phillip
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