Jesus is your power for the purposes of God

God’s Hope for Your Heart from Colossians 1


Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all His energy that He powerfully works within me. (Colossians 1:28-29)

There is no greater purpose in all of life than to bring glory to God by proclaiming Jesus through our words and our lives.

Jesus matters more than your personal growth.

Jesus matters more than your family.

Jesus matters more than your money or material things.

Jesus matters more than your individual legacy or any program to make the world a better place.

The Bible describes Him with the word “preeminent,” meaning that He is in first place above everyone and everything else.

However, in a world that tries to focus our passion and priorities on anything but Jesus, this perspective can be hard to maintain. In a life filled with so many demands on our time, such devotion can be difficult to sustain. In light of the fact that hell itself wants to keep us from committing all things to Jesus, such a life may seem to require more energy than we can muster.

That’s why Jesus gives us power!

When we devote ourselves to the cause of Christ, God Himself empowers us to stay faithful. When we give ourselves to being His workers and witnesses, Jesus Himself provides the labor and fills us with His strength!

Don’t let Satan tell you that you don’t have what it takes for Jesus to do great things through you. If you’re in Christ, let this truth inspire you to move forward to His call.

Jesus is your power for the purposes of God.

-Pastor Phillip


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