About Phillip


Phillip Gonzales is a Speaker, Author, Consultant, and Coach whose passion is to encourage and equip as many people as possible to build a better world together for the glory of God. As a Professional Communicator for over 20 years, Phillip has been helping people and organizations reach their next level of growth through life-changing principles, strategies and tools. He has built and led teams for national franchises and churches, taught sales seminars all over the U.S., and spoken at ministry conferences all over the world. He has served as a Pastor for over 15 years, and also worked in internet marketing, mainstream media, and retail business development. He has written seven books, developed training courses on a wide range of topics, and loves to learn and share new ideas. Phillip and his wife, Heather, live with their children in Babcock Ranch, Florida, the first solar-powered town in America, and love staying active in their church and community.
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