“Now if I live on in the flesh, this means fruitful work for me…” Philippians 1:22-2a
“Fruitful work” is not busywork. It is not killing time, punching a clock, or rushing around keeping occupied without moving things forward.
Fruitful work adds value. It solves problems. It delivers results and produces joy both for and in the people who do it and those who receive it.
Like fruit on a tree, fruitful work starts from a seed: a seed of an idea, a seed of a plan, a seed of resources invested in the hope of a greater return.
In the right conditions and under the oversight of someone who knows and cares, those seeds take root, grow, and produce good things.
And the world is better off as a result.
What seeds are you planting?
What things are you producing?
Maybe it’s time for a celebration, a change, or both.