God’s Hope for Your Heart from Mark 3
“For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.” (Mark 3:35)
Jesus says a curious thing when His mother and brothers come to fetch Him home from His traveling ministry. He knows they probably think He’s a little misguided, maybe even crazy, and that they want Him to come back to the family and just be normal again.
But the way of Jesus is anything but normal.
Jesus looks around Him at the people who have come to see Him. They are sick people in need of healing, broken people in need of fixing, and weary people in need of encouragement. They are looking to Jesus for the answers, trusting in Jesus to make things right.
And Jesus says they are the family to whom He really belongs.
It’s not that Jesus is disrespecting His own flesh and blood. It’s just that He knows God is building a bigger family that will also be united by flesh and blood — His own. Now all who do the will of God by trusting Christ for salvation and surrendering to Him as Lord are not just “saved” for eternity.
We are family here and now.
Maybe your family is a great one, or like most, leaves a lot to be desired. Maybe you feel like you belong, or like many, you feel like an outsider. Either way, remember this.
If you’re in Christ, then you are a valuable member of the family of God, and even though we children have plenty of dysfunction, here’s great news: we have the best Father of all.
Rest in that reality today, and as you do, you’ll discover hope in this truth: You are Jesus’ family.
-Pastor Phillip
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