When God is your priority, He gives you His ability

God’s Hope for Your Heart from Acts 20


I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the Gospel of the grace of God.  (Acts 20:24)

There is great power in having right priorities.  When the pieces of your life are aligned with God’s purposes, that alignment produces an energy and momentum that can carry you forward to do things you never thought possible.

For example, the Apostle Paul was used by God as one of the greatest missionaries the world has ever known.  God did extraordinary miracles through him, and used his hand to write much of the Holy Scriptures in the New Testament.

Why did God bless Paul with so much fruitfulness?  One big reason is simply this: Paul put the first thing first.

Paul understood that Jesus didn’t come to help us accomplish our own personal missions, but to invite us to participate in His.  When Jesus said to “seek first the Kingdom of God,” He meant it, and that’s exactly what Paul did.  Even life itself was secondary to Paul’s sense of mission, and because of that, his impact has echoed through the ages and will continue in eternity.

Don’t listen to the lies our culture tells about what you should give your life to.

Don’t believe the slogans of the advertisers about what matters most.

Don’t trust even your own feelings or what your family says is most valuable.

Trust what God’s Word says about what is of greatest importance, and as you do, you will find hope and power in this life-changing truth: When God is your priority, He gives you His ability.

-Pastor Phillip

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