
“They were unable to enter because of unbelief.” – Hebrews 3:19

How many Promised Lands do we miss because we refuse to believe we can enter?

It is not that there is a lack of opportunity; far from it! All the things we could ever need are available to us all the time, rich and ripe for the taking … but we do not take them.


We don’t take what is available to us because we are afraid of what might happen if we try.

And what are we afraid of?

Afraid of failing; afraid of succeeding; afraid of everyone seeing us; afraid of people not seeing us enough – take your pick.

But underneath all these individual fears is a universal cause: UNBELIEF.

We don’t believe God is good enough or we are able or qualified enough to receive the Promised Land and sustain it. That is why we hold back, and that is why we do not enter.

The answer, then, is as simple as it is difficult: BELIEVE.

Believe God has made you good enough.

Believe you have prepared yourself well enough.

Believe God himself is great enough to be what you need so you can do what needs to be done …

… and then do it.

And when at last you have entered your own Promised Land, you will look back and see how far you’ve come …

… and that the journey wasn’t nearly as long as you imagined.

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