Scripture Notes on Revelation 11
Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15)
As we look around at our world, we see brokenness and pain. We see evil and injustice. We see suffering and sin.
But all these things will soon pass away.
We live in “the time between the times,” when the Kingdom of God has been inaugurated, but not consummated. The kingdom of this world, of darkness and death, that kingdom is still very much alive and strong… but not forever.
The deepest hope of God’s people is not that somehow humanity will all finally wake up and be nice to each other, but that Jesus will come and complete His Kingdom on earth.
We look to a day that is not yet here, but that is certain. We look to a coming reality, and it is one that is sure to happen because it has been promised by the only One who has never, ever broken a promise.
No matter how strong the darkness may appear, take heart. No matter how bad the world seems to get, stand strong! If you’re in Christ, then you can live boldly and confidently because of this hope-inspiring truth.
The King and His Kingdom are coming.
-Pastor Phillip