Jesus Knew His Purpose

“Therefore, when Jesus realized they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, he withdrew again to the mountain by himself.” (John 6:15)

Jesus knew who he was and who he wasn’t. He came to call, to teach, to die and rise again, not to rule and administer a kingdom.

He came as a prophet, teacher, and spiritual messiah, not as a warlord, governor or political leader.

He knew who he was, why he came, and where he was going, and this deep clarity meant he always knew exactly what to do.

Not only that, but he also knew the fickleness of crowds and the fleeting nature of celebrity. These people didn’t want to make him king because they believed in his teaching or vision.

They wanted free bread.

They wanted more miracles.

And they wanted a Jewish leader who could stand up to the power of Rome.

But Jesus knew who he was, why he came, and where he was going, so he wasn’t taken in by the mixed-motives praise.

Instead, he stayed on the path to his own god-given destiny.

And the world is infinitely better as a result.

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