God’s Hope for Your Heart from Luke 24
“Why are you looking for the living among the dead?” asked the men. (Luke 24:5b)
It was a dark morning after a dark few days, and all the women wanted was some closure.
They went to the tomb, hoping to anoint the body of their slain Messiah and perhaps move on with their lives. Maybe if they could close this terrible chapter, they could start looking elsewhere for some hope to carry them forward.
Then Jesus changed everything.
The announcement of the angels was a simple question with supernatural importance. “Why are you looking for the living among the dead?” they asked, and other accounts tell how they proclaimed, “He is not here, He is RISEN just as He said!”
There would be no need to find hope in other things, because Jesus was alive and would be their living hope forever!
He can be yours, too.
If you’re not careful, it’s so easy to look for living hope in dead things. Hobbies and pastimes, homes and politicians, habits and pleasures all have their place, but they cannot provide a living hope, only Jesus can.
Substances and sports and sex, even Scripture knowledge and spiritual experiences can bring temporary joy, but these surface things cannot provide a living hope, only Jesus can.
And if you’re in Christ, that means that no matter how many other things have let you down, you can trust in this truth today: Jesus is your living hope.
-Pastor Phillip
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