How to Know the Will of God With Ease

Do you ever struggle with “knowing the will of God?”

“[We pray] that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will (in all spiritual wisdom and understanding) so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, (fully pleasing to Him), bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” -Colossians 1:9b-10 (from the Amplified Bible, emphasis added)

Ask any Christian if they want to know “the will of God” for their lives and almost all will say yes.

Well, good news: here it is, the will of God, plain and simple.

What pleases God?  When His people “bear fruit” (produce tangible results) in “every good work,” AND when they “increase in the knowledge of God.”

That’s it.

What should you do in your work?  Take what you know and apply it to doing good to all around you as often as you can.

What should you do in your relationships?  Have a heart to see every interchange with another person as an opportunity to learn more about God and do more good for others.

What is a good use of your personal time?  Things that help you grow in your knowledge of God’s nature and goodness, and that help you share that goodness with as many people as possible.

Think about this: that time when you did something kind for a person who really didn’t deserve it, you were doing the will of God!  That conversation where you chose to really listen to what the person had to say because you understood they are made in God’s image?  You were doing the will of God!  That time when you woke up a little earlier to read the Bible and pray for just a little bit?  You were doing the will of God!

Finally, don’t forget that “every good work” also includes being good to someone many “good Christians” don’t thing about: yourself.  You were created to bring glory to God, not just through serving others, but by enjoying the world and the life He prepared for you!

When you spend time finding things that fill your spirit with joy and turn your heart towards Christ;  when you take advantage of opportunities to really enjoy the little things in life, you are doing the will of God.


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