NOTE: I wrote this post about six weeks ago as a meditation on Colossians 1:13. In God’s providence, it came up in the queue to be posted this week, and it seemed an appropriate reminder on Election Day. May God’s perspective bring you peace, no matter which way the wind blows. -Pastor Phillip
“He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the Kingdom of His beloved Son.” -Colossians 1:13
In the modern world we don’t often think of “domains” and “kingdoms.” Most of us belong to states and nations and tend to have a very individualistic sense of our fate.
Yet, the language of Scripture is stark and specific. In the spiritual world, we are far less autonomous than we believe. We are elsewhere called “slaves” to sin, and the “captives” of the evil one.
That’s why this passage is so glorious!
In Christ, we are no longer a part of the nation of darkness, but of light. Our freedom is not autonomy but a purchased allegiance to a much better King.
This King is no task master, but takes delight in blessing and caring for His people.
Here’s the thing, though. We have received our new citizenship now, but will be given our full residency later. Though our homecoming is assured, we are now ex-patriots living in a foreign land.
While we’re here, then, our call is to demonstrate the characteristics of our home country, in hopes that many more will join us in new citizenship now and new residency later.
We don’t create the full Kingdom here, but we bear witness to its glory by building and being outposts of its presence here and now. If you’re a follower of Christ, then first, foremost and above all other allegiances, YOU are a citizen of Heaven and an outpost of the Kingdom of God.
That means that no matter what happens in whatever country you live, your destiny is secure!
Whatever political changes take place in the nation in which you were born, your final authority is not the person who holds office in a palace or parliament or the presidency.
Your final authority —and true hope— holds the title of King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth… and Heavenly Father… and Lover of Your Soul.