Scripture Notes on Psalm 119:89-176
If Your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction. I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have given me life. (Psalm 119:92-93)
Discouragement can destroy your life. When affliction arrives, often it’s not the hardness of the circumstance that’s most deadly to our soul, but the hopelessness that can so quickly set in.
Without hope, we perish.
How good is God, then, that He has given us an accessible antidote against this poison of the soul!
His Word is filled with hope.
His Word is filled with truth.
His Word is filled with all you need to have courage in any calamity.
Read it. Know it. Believe it, and watch this truth bring fresh strength to your life.
God’s Word is your empowering perspective.
-Pastor Phillip