God’s Hope for Your Heart from Psalm 13
I will sing to the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me. (Psalm 13:6)
Do you ever feel forgotten by God?
Do you ever feel like the whole world is against you and you don’t know where to turn?
David did. That’s one reason we have such beautiful, heartfelt prayers and songs in the Psalms, because David was a man well-acquainted with hardship and pain.
But David knew one key thing that gave him strength to press on and hope to persevere. He understood a powerful truth that gave him the will to keep walking and the guts to keep going.
David knew that just like the sun is still there when it’s hidden by a cloud, God’s love is still there when it’s hidden by a trial. He knew that even though circumstances may be far from ideal, God is faithful to see His children through!
That’s God’s promise to you, too.
Whether your world is calm and peaceful right now or full of struggle and storm, may you be encouraged and empowered by the hope found in this truth: God’s grace is still with you when you’re troubled.
-Pastor Phillip
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