God turns your pain into possibility

God’s Hope for Your Heart from Matthew 27


Then was fulfilled what had been spoken by the prophet Jeremiah, saying, “And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him on whom a price had been set by some of the sons of Israel, and they gave them for the potter’s field, as the Lord directed me.” (Matthew 27:9-10)

If you spend more than fifteen minutes around Christian folk, you’re going to hear somebody, somewhere quote some form of Romans 8:28, about how “all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.”

But really, now… all things?

When that relationship ended?

When that person died?

When the money ran out?

When your spouse did?

Let’s be honest, sometimes it’s just a hard pill to swallow, that God works all things together for good for His children… Maybe most things, but all things, really?

When people murdered His only begotten Son?

Look again at Matthew 27:9, at those first seven words, “then was fulfilled what had been spoken…”  You see, God knew the leaders would conspire against Jesus.  He knew the betrayal would come from Judas.  He knew that the betrayer’s heart would betray him in return, and in his remorse he would try to give back the meager sum he got for Jesus’ life.

God knew all about the wicked plans of imperfect people, and He wove them in to His perfect plan to bless all of humanity.

Don’t you think He can do the same for you?

When your day of difficulty comes and doubt threatens your soul’s peace, remember this.  If God took the greatest tragedy of all eternity–the crucifixion of Christ–and transformed it into a triumph, then you can have hope in this truth for your life: God turns your pain into possibility.

-Pastor Phillip

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