God Loves to Use Broken Leaders

It’s easy to find examples of self-assured, strong leaders who drive toward their goals with conviction and confidence and never take “no” for an answer.

But what about the rest of us? Those afraid to fail, ashamed of not having more to show for ourselves, and worried that if they stand up and step up nobody will even care?

What about the “walking wounded” who know their shortcomings and faults and doubt they are even qualified?

What about those whose self-discipline is weak, whose self-confidence is low, and whose conviction and direction are tenuous at best?

These are people the world may say are unqualified to lead and unable to do great things …

… but they are EXACTLY the people God LOVES to use because through them he shows his power and multiplies his glory.

Consider this: nearly every “hero” of the Bible had deep, deep wounds and character flaws, and that’s not a “bug,” that’s a feature.

Abraham and Isaac were both cowards who each passed off his wife as his sister because he was so afraid of personal harm he was willing to put his wife in danger to save his own skin.

Moses was a murderer and a complete failure in his first attempt to be a leader – so much so that he hid himself away for 40 years and developed an anxiety-induced speech disorder, in addition to arguing with God about his calling.

Gideon had chronic self-doubt and confidence issues and was deeply fearful of his future and his calling as well.

On the other hand, Samson was SO self-assured that he was blinded to the entrapment of lust and his own lack of self-control; a spiritual blindness that cost him his physical eyes and ultimately his life.

David was a terrible, terrible parent who ignored the rape of his daughter by her half-brother, refused to deal with another son staging a coup against him, and failed in his duty to lead his children in the ways of the Lord. Plus, he was a scheming adulterer who had his lover’s husband murdered and battled borderline depression his entire life.

Solomon started strong, but even with all the wisdom, wealth, power, and possessions he could ever want, it still wasn’t enough to satisfy him or keep him from eventually abandoning his values and commitment to God.

Jesus’ disciples were prone to violence, vanity, cowardice, and doubt.

The Apostle Paul had a lifetime of self-righteous judgment and persecuting others to come back from, and still struggled with personal issues that God refused to take away.

And what God said to Paul is the same thing he might well have said to all the others, and to you, and to me:

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

All of these people were “unqualified” in one way or another, AND YET God chose them and called them and used them and shared their stories with us so we would know the truth:

God LOVES to use broken leaders.

And that means no matter how beat-up, screwed-up, or hung-up you are …

… God can and would LOVE to use you to do things that really matter.

So, what do you need to stop delaying and instead say “yes” to today?

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