Scripture Notes on Hebrews 11
But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared for them a city. (Hebrews 11:16)
For every Christian, there are those times when we see the world as it is and realize that this is not our home. We see our lives as they are and realize that this is not our final form.
No, in Christ, God is making all things new, and much better things await us in eternity!
This is not to say that you shouldn’t work for good here and now. Indeed you should do your best to bring blessing to all those around you, in Jesus’ name.
However, when you come face-to-face with the inevitable imperfection and persecution of a fallen world, you don’t have to be discouraged. Instead, you can take heart in this truth.
God has prepared a homeland for you.
-Pastor Phillip