All Who Are Oppressed

Was it only Jesus who was sent to “set the captives free”?

I had a conversation once with a man who argued that it is the Church’s responsibility to help only those who are believers.  He pointed out what the Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 6:10,  “as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially those who are of the household of faith.

I was not impressed or inspired.

Yes, that passage speaks to the importance of helping those within the Church, but if that’s all it’s about, that doesn’t sound like something I want give my life to.  It’s not something I can get passionate about.

I get excited when I read THIS…

“The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.” -Psalm 103:6

I get excited thinking how if God’s heart is to work good for those who are oppressed, ALL those who are oppressed, then as the Body of Christ, we who are the Church are called to do the same, and Jesus always empowers those He calls!  It’s way bigger and better than just “we help our own.”  This is about impacting the whole world!

Of course, some don’t want to answer the call.

Others will answer, but want to limit the scope to something manageable.

For me, though, I want to be a person and belong to a Church that focuses on expanding to do good to the “everyone”, not restricting to serve only our own “household.”  I’d rather be part of a movement that seeks justice and righteousness for all who are oppressed, not just the people like me.

I’d rather be a person whose constant question is not “how few people must I serve and still be ok?”, but rather, “how many people can I serve through the power of Christ in me?”

How about you?

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