I’m writing this from the sixth floor of the DoubleTree Hotel in Fort Lee, New Jersey. The sun has long since set and my eyes are heavy and ready for sleep, but though my body is tired, my spirit sings because tomorrow is the first day of the 4/14 Window Global Summit.
For days and weeks now, wonderful men and women have been preparing the way for this very special event; an event that itself is the result of many more people sensing the call of God on their lives to pour His life into “the least of these”, children ages 4-14.
After arriving this afternoon, I was so blessed by the genuine warmth of the people who helped us get signed in for the conference. Their smiles were from the heart, their words were words of peace and life, and their spirits radiated the love of the Savior.
This is how it starts.
Though everything seems to be running smoothly thanks to the diligence of the conference team, no amount of planning or logistics or preparation can ever take the place of the life-giving, unifying Spirit of the Living God. That is what matters, and that is what I sense among the people here. The Scriptures remind us to “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:3), and in the deepest parts of me I can feel it in this gathering. There is a common purpose. There is a common Spirit. There is a joy and an anticipation in the air that comes not from the works of men, but from the works of God.
I am privileged to be on the crest of a wave of something very special, something God has begun and will not stop until His purposes are complete, and so I go to sleep tonight excited that Christian brothers and sisters from all over the globe will convene tomorrow for the first round of this event, and the next step in God’s vision for children ages 4-14, all around the world.
Father, please watch over us. Spirit, please empower us. Jesus, please be with us in every step, as we seek to glorify your name in all the Earth.
– Phillip Gonzales