[The people] got up, drove Him out of town and brought Him to the edge of the hill their town was built on, intending to hurl Him over the cliff. But He passed right through the crowd and went on His way. (Luke 4:29-30)
Jesus has no need of a bodyguard. He is not helpless and fragile, hoping someone comes along to bail Him out.
Neither has He any need of a Public Relations team to make Him cool, a Brand Strategist to make Him relevant, or a Salesperson to make Him desirable to the disinterested masses.
He wants witnesses who tell the truth about what they’ve seen and heard and experienced. That’s it.
Apologetics certainly have their place, but if you really want to help the cause of Christ, don’t worry about defending Him. Instead, focus on developing a vibrant relationship with Him that actually gives you something to say.
–Pastor Phillip