God’s Hope for Your Heart from Matthew 17
[Jesus] was still speaking when, behold, a voice from the cloud said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.” (Matthew 17:5)
Do you look at your life and see things that don’t measure up to God’s standard? Do you have areas of action or attitude that you feel God isn’t happy with? Do you ever feel that God is disappointed in you?
Nothing could be further from the truth!
Yes, there may be actions and attitudes that God wants to change in your life. There may be behaviors that break His heart because He loves you and wants what’s best for you.
However, if you’re in Christ, then your performance is never the deciding factor in how God feels about you. When God turns His thoughts towards you, He sees you clothed in the perfection of His Son, Jesus. He regards you, chooses to treat you, based solely on the righteousness of Christ and nothing you do can ever change that.
Christian, when your enemy tries to make you feel condemned because of your less-than-perfect behavior, may this truth strengthen your heart with hope: If you’re in Christ, God is well pleased with you.
-Pastor Phillip
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