Scripture Notes on Psalm 146
The Lord sets the prisoners free. The Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down. The Lord loves the righteous. (Psalm 146:7b-8)
Everybody gets knocked down sometimes. Everybody bears a burden at some point.
The question is not, “How can I keep from going down?” The question is, “How will I get back up again?”
Will you try to get up on your own, to deal with your problems in your own strength? Will you seek restoration through your own self-effort and hard work?
God wants something better for you!
When you find yourself in a low place, yes use wisdom to see what things God might want you to change for the better. However, don’t look to yourself as the source of true healing; look to the cross. Don’t look to yourself as the answer to your problems; look to Jesus.
There may be seasons where you feel down, but in Christ, you never have to stay down when you walk in the light of this truth.
God wants to lift you up.
-Pastor Phillip