God will lead you through the storm

Scripture Notes on Psalm 77

Your way was through the sea, Your path through the great waters; yet Your footprints were unseen. You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron. (Psalm 77:19-20)

Life can often feel like a raging storm. Confusion, conflict and chaos are all around. The clouds and rain block your view of where you’re going and it feels like the wind is taking you out of control.

Then one day the storm stops. The clouds lift, the wind stills, and you wonder, “How did I finally get here?”

It was God, of course, but you couldn’t see Him working because of the storm. His hand was invisible, His footsteps were unseen, but know this: He was there the whole time. You couldn’t see Him, but He was still watching over you, because you are His and He loves you.

In whatever season you find yourself, hang on to this truth. God will lead you through the storm.

-Pastor Phillip

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