A Pastor’s Prayer
Thank you, Jesus, for this church you’ve given me to serve. It’s not my words that matter, but Yours. Give me Your words, Lord, that I may share them with the people. It’s not my songs that matter, but Yours. Give me Your songs, Lord, that I may teach them to the people. It’s not […]
Bonhoeffer and the Church of Today
Reading “Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy” by Eric Metaxas tunes my imagination to what might happen in my own lifetime.
The “Achievable” Exchange
To the young and the young-at-heart: It is a sad and subtle thing to exchange big dreams for achievable goals, and to do so often results in a life that finds its hope and answers in list-based follow-through, rather than life-giving faith. Beware the shrinking of your horizons and do not too quickly surrender the […]
Prayer as a Warrior for the Kingdom
We do not lost heart. We do not fail. We do not falter. We do not back down or back up, but advance and conquer the darkness with the light of love. We are warriors of the Kingdom and servants of the King. Chosen and adopted, born again to an everlasting life and destiny, and […]
Prayer for Legacy
[NOTE: My grandfather, J. Bryan “Breezy” Brasington entered eternity on 3/13/11. His life was spent glorifying Jesus, and his death did the same. This prayer was written the day of his memorial, after the service.]
Oh the gravity of it all!
What a life, what a love, what a Savior, what a charge and legacy…
Prayer to Look Up
I haven’t looked at the sky all day. Focused so much on my busyness and the mechanics of my own problems, I forget to focus on what really matters… Looking up. Drinking in the beauty of God’s world around me. Enjoying life by the moment, by the drop. Lord, help me live carefully, but no […]