For Christian Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
Ready for MORE In Their Business, Family, and Faith

For Christian Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
Ready for MORE In Their Business, Family, and Faith

How “Double Blessed” Christian Business Owners are Maximizing their Purpose, Profit, and Freedom in Their Business, Family, & Faith​

WITHOUT overworking, cutting corners, or compromising their values.​

What is the Double Your Blessing Workshop?

The Double Your Blessing Workshop is special online event for Christian Business Owners that will show you a counterintuitive approach to unlock:

• more purpose, profit, and freedom in your business,

• more harmony, happiness, and prosperity in your family, and

• more peace, confidence, and joy in your faith.

WITHOUT overworking, cutting corners, or compromising your values.

During this powerful half-day event ...
🎁 Learn why God loves to bless Christian Business Owners, what that blessing looks like, and how to activate this “unfair advantage” for yourself. 
📖 Discover the biggest lies you’ve been sold that have held back God’s blessing in your life, and how to overcome them with truth.
🚜 Find out how two “blessing blockers” keep you from God’s best for you, and how to break through them consistently.
⚔️ Meet the four “dragons” that devour success, and learn how to defeat them once and for all.
📈 PLUS discover the simple four-step process you can use to STAY in the flow of God’s blessings and unlock better results in ANY area of life.
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The Double Your Blessing Workshop is a Shortcut

Before I discovered the principles of God’s “Double Blessing”, I thought the only way to be successful in business (or in life) was to strive and struggle.

I thought the easy path could never be the right one, because “wide is the road that leads to destruction,” right?

The harder something is to attain, the more valuable it is, right?

And the more busy I am the more successful I become, right?

Since that’s what I believed, I overcomplicated everything, always picked the hardest path, and thought I was “doing it right” because I was busy, busy, busy all the time …

… but while my “busyness” did grow my business to a degree, it grew my frustration and stress even more.

And as the weeks, months, and years dragged on, not only did I get more and more exhausted and out of balance myself …

… I even got angry at God for not blessing me as much as I felt he should.

After all, I was doing all the right things, right?

I was being a good Christian, right?

I was toiling to build something and that’s what you’re supposed to do, right?


You see, it wasn’t until I was truly at my wits end, with nothing else to do but finally cry out in desperation that God showed me the answer that was right in front of me all along.

It was in a passage of Scripture an extremely successful pastor/consultant friend shared with me years ago that I wasn’t ready to listen to then …

… but I was ready to receive it now.

And once I started to apply what I discovered, EVERYTHING changed.

What was the answer?

“The blessing of the Lord enriches, and he adds no painful effort to it. As shameful conduct is pleasure for a fool, so wisdom is for a person of understanding.” (Proverbs 10:22-23)

Those two little verses were all I needed to start my journey to discover how God’s “Double Blessing” can transform our business, our family, and our faith.

And while I’d love to share it all with you right here and now, that would take far more time than you signed up for when you came to this page.

SO … if you want to save yourself the pain and struggle I went through, this event is your personal “shortcut” to the double blessing God has for YOU.


What: A special live online event for Christian Business Owners, Leaders, and Entrepreneurs

When – Multiple date/time options (see below)

Where: Online Video Experience (link provided after registration)

SESSION 1 – Discover Your Double Blessing

Christian Business Owners are the engine of the Church!

In this session, you’ll learn WHY God wants to give you a “double blessing”, WHAT it looks like, and HOW MUCH your business and family matter to God. Plus, you’ll learn the biggest lies you’ve been told about wealth, and how to overcome them with the truth.

SESSION 2 – Destroy Your Blessing Blockers

Nothing can stand against the promises of God, but we CAN step away from them if we’re not careful.

In this session, find out how two “blessing blockers” keep you from the fullness of God’s favor, and how you can take action to get the double blessing that is your rightful inheritance in Christ.

SESSION 3 – Defeat the Four “Dragons” that Devour Success

Few things are more tragic than seeing someone who could have had much more simply settle for less.

In this session, discover why four specific “dragons” can keep you from the greater success God has for you and learn how to defeat them once and for all.

SESSION 4 – Develop your 4×4 Strategy to Win

Right believing is vital to our success, but it means nothing without the right actions to go with it.

In this session, you’ll get to put into practice a powerfully simple 4-step process to maximize your success in ANY area, especially your business.


Ready to grow?


Which day/time works best for you?👇

"Why should I attend the Double Your Blessing Workshop?"

Dear future Double Blessed Business Owner ...
From: The desk of Phillip Gonzales
Re: Getting more profit in your business, more happiness in your family, and more joy in your faith (the faster, simpler way)
Christian Business Owners should be the most successful, most free, and most blessed people in the world ...
So why do so many say they don't FEEL that way at all?

They BELIEVE God wants to bless their business, but only SEE modest profits and average performance.

They BELIEVE God wants to help them lead their family, but only SEE more stress at home and more threats in the world.

And they BELIEVE God wants to grow their faith, but only SEE their relationship with Jesus getting colder over time.

If any of that sounds familiar to you, I have great news … you’re not the only one!

My name is Phillip Gonzales, and after 20 years as both a pastor and a business owner myself, here’s something I know for sure.

God wants Christian Business Owners to be leaders in their field, lighthouses for their community, and the ENGINE of growth for the Church …

… and that tells me God DEFINITELY wants to bless you MORE than what you see right now.

How do I know this?

Two reasons.

FIRST, that’s exactly what we see in Scripture when we look at the lives of people like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

People like Joseph, Boaz, and David.

And people like Lydia, Barnabus, and the women who supported Jesus out of their own means.

And SECOND, I know God wants to bless you because of what Paul said, writing by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, in 2 Corinthians 9:10-11.

Now the one who provides seed for the sower and bread for food will also provide and multiply your seed and increase the harvest of your righteousness. 11 You will be enriched in every way for all generosity, which produces thanksgiving to God through us.

See, God WANTS the thanks and praise that is rightfully his …

… and one of the biggest ways he gets it is through the generosity of his people.

But in order for God’s people to be generous …

… SOMEBODY has to do something so God’s people have something to give!

And if you’re a Christian Business Owner, God wants to bless your business, your family, and your faith because that somebody is YOU.

That means when you lead your business to make healthier profits 💵 📈 …

… when you love your family to create more harmony 💚 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 …

… and when you live your faith to produce more joy ✝️ 😇 …

You aren’t working for yourself at all.

You’re working for the Lord.

And that’s why I believe God has a “double blessing” that he wants to give to you.

So that brings us to the question …

What IS this "double blessing" and WHY are so many Christian Business Owners not experiencing it consistently?

Well, just like it sounds, the double blessing is made up of two components, and each of them needs the other for the whole thing to work.

In fact, if you have only one of the components, you’ll definitely get some benefit, but nowhere NEAR what you could be receiving if you have both of them together.

But before we get into that, I need to warn you of something first.

You see, if you’re a Christian, even though the double blessing is part of your inheritance in Christ …

… there are two major obstacles that can stop you from receiving it.

What’s worse is that these two “blessing blockers” are common, and powerful, and sometimes hard to spot in our lives.

And if you don’t deal with them, you’ll miss out on so much of what God has for you.

But, here’s the good news. When you learn how to spot these two things and deal with them consistently …

NOTHING can stop you from stepping in to the double blessing of God to get that special advantage we all want and that YOU have a right to if you’re in Christ!

So, with that said, let’s go back and look at what this double blessing IS and how it WORKS.

The first component of God's double blessing is favor.

When Joseph was betrayed, then falsely accused and sent to prison, then forgotten for two years, he was still blessed because God caused the people around him to deeply respect him. 🤝 👏

That’s favor.

When Jacob had to leave his home and work for his uncle Laban, he was still BLESSED because over time God made his flocks and herds larger and more healthy than anyone else’s. 🐑 🐪

That’s favor.

And when David spent years on the run from King Saul, and years later had to run from his own son, he was still blessed with victories in battle and the love and adoration of his people. ⚔️ 👑

That’s favor.

When God puts favor on your business ...
When God puts favor on your family ...
When God puts favor on your faith ...

Favor is like the fire God sent Elijah on Mount Carmel.

You know it when you see it, and it’s something only He can do.

And I believe God wants to bless Christian Business Owners like you with more favor than you’ve ever had before.

The second component of God's double blessing is wisdom.

You see, if favor is the fire 🔥, wisdom is the wood 🪵.

Let me explain.

How did David survive all those years on the run and finally rise to be King of Israel?

Some of it was miraculous intervention, but a LOT of it was God giving David the wisdom to make good decisions and then David doing the work.

How did Jacob get those larger, healthier flocks and herds?

Some of it was genetics, but a lot of it was God showing Jacob specific techniques that he then applied to help the right animals mate in the right ways.

How did Joseph keep on rising until he reached the top?

Some of it was God working in people’s hearts, but a lot of it was him showing Joseph the right things to say, and then Joseph having the courage to say them.

You see, wisdom is the ability to KNOW and DO the best thing for the situation, and when you live that way, all kinds of great results follow.

Of course, you might be thinking, "Isn't wisdom just something learn over time?"

Well that’s a part of it, but consider this …

How many people have YOU known who have lived a long time, maybe even learned a lot of things, but can’t ever seem to put all the pieces together? 🧩

That’s what wisdom is … it’s taking the things you learn and experience and putting the pieces together in the right way to get the best possible result.

That’s why Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, said this in Proverbs 4:7-8.

Wisdom is supreme – so get wisdom. And whatever else you get, get understanding. Cherish her, and she will exalt you; if you embrace her, she will honor you.

And that is what God does for his people when we ask him, according to James, the brother of Jesus.

He writes, Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God — who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly — and it will be given to him. (James 1:5)

So just imagine …

What would your business look like if you knew exactly what to do in every situation to get the best result, and then did it?

What would your family look like if you knew exactly what to say to help each of your loved ones become the person they were meant to be, and then said it?

And what would your faith look like if you knew exactly who you were in Christ, every minute of every day, and then lived like it?

Sounds like a double blessing to me.

man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers
man and woman hugging each other

Now if you're still reading, I'm willing to bet ...

... you WANT God to bless you with more profit in your business, more happiness in your family, and more confidence in your faith.

And if you’ve come this far, I believe you’re the kind of person who’s ready to take ACTION to step in to the double blessing God has for you.

So if that’s true …

… Then I’d like to invite YOU to “The Double Your Blessing Workshop.”

In this special online event, I’ll share with you exactly what you need to know, feel, do, and repeat to get YOUR double blessing in your business, family, and faith.

📖 You’ll discover the biggest lies you’ve been sold that have held back God’s blessing in your life, and how to overcome them with truth.

🚜 You’ll find out how the two “blessing blockers” keep you from God’s best for you, and how to break through them consistently.

⚔️ You’ll learn about the four “dragons” that devour success, and how to defeat them once and for all.

📈 And I’ll show you the simple four-step process you can use to STAY in the flow of God’s blessings and unlock better results in ANY area of life.

Plus, we’ll have giveaways, an interactive Q&A time, and special discounts for YOU on some of the amazing growth resources we’re developing.

And you’ll get all of this for less than the price of a burger, fries, and a drink. ** FREE THIS WEEK ** !

This is your ticket ...
This is your opportunity ...
And this is your time ...

And I don’t know about you, but ALL of those outcomes sound like exactly what I want for me.

SO, go ahead and click that link to register right now for the event day and time that works best for you.

Because blessing doesn’t happen automatically.

It comes when we take action to position ourselves to receive it.

I’ll see you on the inside!

Get your ticket now for the Double Your Blessing Workshop!

Who is Phillip Gonzales?

Phillip Gonzales is a Speaker, Author, Consultant, and Coach whose passion is to encourage and equip as many people as possible to build a better world together for the glory of God.

As a Professional Communicator for over 20 years, Phillip has been helping people and organizations reach their next level of growth through life-changing principles, strategies and tools.

He has built and led teams for national franchises and churches, taught sales seminars all over the U.S., and spoken at ministry conferences all over the world.

He has served as a Pastor for over 15 years, and also worked in internet marketing, mainstream media, and retail business development.

He has written seven books, developed training courses on a wide range of topics, and loves to learn and share new ideas.

Phillip and his wife, Heather, live with their children in Babcock Ranch, Florida, the first solar-powered town in America, and love staying active in their church and community.

All Content © 2025, Phillip Gonzales.
All Rights Reserved.

All events, programs, courses, products, and other resources from Phillip Gonzales Inspiration are intended to inspire and equip you for greater growth and success. Our goal is to help you make the breakthroughs you need to build the life that you want and become the person God designed you to be. That said, we cannot guarantee any specific result or outcome, whether financial, relational, spiritual or otherwise. By using this or other related websites, registering for events, purchasing resources, or participating in any of programs, you acknowledge that you understand you are the sole determiner of how you receive and respond to the information we share and any specific results you may or may not experience are ultimately up to you and God. You agree to hold us in no way responsible for anything other than providing information and inspiration to the best of our ability.

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Just let us know below and we’ll respond as soon as we can!