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I believe you're going to see amazing results when you apply the powerful principles I'm going to share with you. I also know everyone grows at a different pace, and that's okay! If for any reason you feel like what you received isn't what you need right now, just let me know within 30 days and I'll be happy to give you a full refund.
All events, programs, courses, products, and other resources from Phillip Gonzales Inspiration are intended to inspire and equip you for greater growth and success. Our goal is to help you make the breakthroughs you need to build the life that you want and become the person God designed you to be. That said, we cannot guarantee any specific result or outcome, whether financial, relational, spiritual or otherwise. By using this or other related websites, registering for events, purchasing resources, or participating in any of programs, you acknowledge that you understand you are the sole determiner of how you receive and respond to the information we share and any specific results you may or may not experience are ultimately up to you and God. You agree to hold us in no way responsible for anything other than providing information and inspiration to the best of our ability.
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