3 Habits to Build a Better Team [B4B]

If you want to level-up your team’s engagement, performance, and loyalty, Proverbs 1:3 shares three keys to help you do it.

“For receiving prudent instruction in righteousness, justice, and integrity.” (Proverbs 1:3)

“Righteousness” is doing what is RIGHT. It is treating your customers with kindness and respect simply because they are human.

Doing business with righteousness means obeying laws and regulations not for fear of being caught, but because it’s the right thing to do.

A habit of righteousness in leadership creates a culture in which team members can be trusted to do the right thing consistently because “That’s just how we do things here.”

When people have confidence they are doing the right thing, they are more likely to stay engaged.

Justice is doing what is FAIR. It is pricing your solutions neither too high nor too low. It is paying fairly, wisely, and generously according to the standards of your market and geographic context.

Doing business with justice means working out deals that are good for all parties and looking for ways to enrich all stakeholders, not just the lucky few at the top.

A habit of justice in leadership creates a culture in which team members can be trusted not to take advantage of the boss or each other because “That’s NOT how we do things here.”

When people have confidence they are being treated fairly, they are more likely to perform at their best.

Integrity is doing what is CONSISTENT. It is following through on your commitments every single time.

Doing business with integrity means if you said it, you’ll do it. If you signed it, you’ll honor it. If you agreed to it you’ll abide by it even (and especially) when it costs.

A habit of integrity in leadership creates a culture in which team members trust their leaders to have their back and in turn they support their leaders because “That’s just how we do things here.”

When people have confidence they can trust and be trusted, they are more likely to be loyal, because trust creates safety and a safe team is a team on which people want to stay.

Engagement, performance, and loyalty don’t happen on their own. But, by investing in building leadership habits of righteousness, justice, and integrity, we can develop them over time.

B4B – Bible For Business, helping leaders win God’s way

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